Communications activities are a crucial component of any organization's success, and NCE-funded networks/centres are expected to place an appropriate priority on this area. This includes establishing a communications plan/strategy and appointing a staff person with the appropriate qualifications to manage these activities. This guide outlines what networks/centres are required or encouraged to do, and describes the resources and support available through the NCE Secretariat.
Effective communications and consistent messages are vital to the way in which members and stakeholders of networks/centres conduct and share their work. Activities, results and accomplishments need to be conveyed to both internal network/centre audiences and to external audiences, such as potential participants from all sectors, public policy makers, the media and the general public.
Networks/centres are expected to develop a communications plan with objectives and activities designed to enhance interest in the network/centre and its activities, and to promote the network/centre and the relevant NCE program to a broad audience. Networks/centres are also requested to collaborate with NCE Secretariat communications staff for their communications activities directed to an external audience.
After the conclusion of a competition, the process begins to notify applicants of the results and to prepare for a public announcement. Until the public announcement takes place, all those who know about the results are requested to keep the information confidential.
Note that this confidentiality does not preclude grantees from sharing information as needed in order to meet operational requirements. It is not intended to impede a network/centre from using its government funding in an optimal way. For example, networks/centres may need to finalize partnership agreements, hire staff or recruit members of their board of directors.
The announcement of funding being awarded to a network/centre is the prerogative of a federal minister (normally the Minister of Science or the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development) or delegate, offering an opportunity to highlight the government’s investment in research and innovation. The NCE Secretariat acts as the liaison with the appropriate minister’s office, and makes recommendations about the timing and location of a public announcement event. On some occasions, the NCE Secretariat may recommend announcing the competition results solely via a news release. In either case, protocol dictates that the final decision about timing and process rests with the federal minister.
Once the public announcement is planned, NCE communications staff work closely with grantees to coordinate the venue, guests, speakers, scenario, media relations and other logistics. The event typically takes place at the headquarters of one of the grantees, with leaders from the other grantees being invited to participate. Once the public announcement has taken place, individual grantees may organize “rollout” celebrations or official launches at their discretion. Networks/centres are requested to keep the NCE Secretariat informed of these events, and NCE communications staff will provide help such as inviting dignitaries and publicizing the event through NCE channels.
Communications activities must acknowledge the contribution of the federal government in support of the network/centre’s work. This may include reference to the federal government, the NCE and/or the appropriate federal granting agency.
In terms of visual identity, the Federal Identity Program (FIP) specifies that recipients of federal funding should use the flag symbol that appears below. The Canada Wordmark may also be used to acknowledge federal funding.
The NCE symbol may be used under certain circumstances, at the discretion of the communications officer for the network/centre. For example, this symbol can appear on promotional material, websites or banners as a complement to the FIP. Networks/centres are also encouraged to use one of the following tag lines in conjunction with the NCE symbol: “An initiative of Canada’s research granting agencies” or “The NCE is an initiative of CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC.”
Note that once the funding agreement with a network/centre has expired, the use of any of these visual elements, or text references to federal government support, must stop.
Most networks/centres hire a dedicated staff person to manage communications. Their role can include:
In addition to crediting the Government of Canada as a funding source, networks/centres are requested to proactively share relevant information with NCE communications staff. This may include news releases, notices of upcoming events, impact stories and videos. NCE communications staff monitor websites and social media accounts, but sharing the content directly will help ensure that the information is not missed.
It is also important that any issues that would potentially affect the network/centre, host institution, the NCE programs or Government of Canada be shared as early as possible with the NCE Secretariat.
The network/centre communications plan should be consistent with the organization’s vision and mission, and describe the strategies that will be adopted in support of its main objectives. Activities can include:
In compliance with the Official Languages Act the Granting Agencies have established that positives measures to promote the use of both English and French in Canadian society should be taken. Given the national reach of the NCE, networks are required to publish their web sites and other materials in both official languages. Networks are also encouraged to strive to communicate with stakeholders in their preferred official language. As stated in the 2018 Program Guide, and in Funding Agreements, Networks funded in 2018 and beyond must:
Networks are further encouraged to:
The NCE Secretariat conducts a wide range of communications activities, many of which help support network/centre communications activities. These are intended to increase the visibility of the NCE and its grantees, and foster connections between networks/centres. Specific activities and communication channels include:
This is the central location for all NCE-related information and news. It includes a number of sections of direct relevance to network/centre communication activities:
Networks/centres are welcome to submit ideas and stories. Please check with NCE communications staff beforehand to ensure any submissions will meet the NCE’s editorial guidelines and current needs.
In general, the NCE publishes three lengths of stories: short vignettes for the newsletter (approximately 50 words), longer vignettes with quotes for annual highlights (approximately 150 words) and feature stories (500 words or longer).
News headlines, events and videos are normally posted automatically with a title and a link back to the network/centre website. All other editorial decisions are based on a variety of factors: